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About Us

Fingertip is the frontrunner of modern hybrid leadership tech. Our digital leadership system enables leaders to decide, meet, plan and complete work with speed and transparency in Microsoft Teams, and get things done together.

Our purpose

We founded Fingertip in 2011 with a simple goal in mind: Reinvent decision making to help organizations of all sizes make better decisions. Improving the way organizations make decisions has a direct impact on the business outcomes.

Together with Microsoft Teams and Power Apps, Fingertip provides a strong and secure platform for improving digital leadership skills with more accountable decision making, transparent goal setting, collaborative and efficient meetings managements and strategic planning and big picture visibility.

Fingertip is easily the most ambitious team I've worked for. With the can-do attitude and lightning-speed, every day is an adventure.

Konsta Huuki - Marketing

Our Vision

Our ambition is to help all leaders to succeed in their daily activities faster and better.

Customer Reviews

Meet the team

Jaakko Pellosniemi

Founder, CEO

My driving vision is to invent something which everyone needs every day. The pursuit of this goal has led me on an interesting journey beginning in the corporate world and including adventures pioneering eBusiness, innovating digital TV software and inventing a medical diagnostic product.

Milla Nevanlinna

Partner, CRO

I’m passionate about the possibilities of social decision making improving our productivity and work well-being. A bit of an idealist, but I believe we can make a difference, one decision at a time, together!

Konsta Huuki

Growth Marketing Manager

Graduated with a major in Organization Design and Leadership from Aalto University, I am hoping to make a difference in knowledge workers’ meaningfulness and empowerment at work. I’m also interested in the future of leadership and user-centered product and service design.

Ville Pellosniemi

Product Lead

I’m a professional developer and product designer, with one of Finland’s finest understandings of Microsoft ecosystem and Power Platform development.

JP Wirta

Microsoft Ecosystem Lead

I’m an experienced growth leader, business developer and leadership transformer with a demonstrated history of building service brands in the information technology and services industry. I also have an extensive record in the Microsoft ecosystem.

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